Critical Mass

Stars form when billions of tons of gas, scattered across space in the midst of an impossibly huge nebula, gradually come together through the attractive pull of gravity.  Over the course of thousands of years, these gases slowly, almost imperceptibly come together, until they reach a critical mass.  When that critical mass is achieved, the… Continue reading Critical Mass

A new story is starting to take shape

And it’s really exciting!   I talked about it a little in the last post, but it’s coming together a lot more as I’m thinking about the characters. Let me share what I’ve got so far:

Down to the last stretch

…in more ways than one.  School is coming to a close, I’m making my final preparations for the study abroad, and this novel is only one or two chapters from completion (in rough draft form, that is.  Very rough draft form).  Now that I’m almost finished with this draft of the novel, I’m able to… Continue reading Down to the last stretch