#GiveThanks Day Three

(30) My wife posted today that she’s grateful for Tillamook Mudslide ice cream. So am I! (31) I’m grateful for the original Star Wars series for cultivating within me a deep and lifelong love for science fiction. (32) I’m grateful for Michael Ende and his magnificent book The Neverending Story, which remains my favorite novel… Continue reading #GiveThanks Day Three

2019-10-24 Newsletter Author’s Note

This author’s note originally appeared in the October 24th edition of my author newsletter. To subscribe to my newsletter, click here. There’s this guy I follow on YouTube named Tom Luongo who has a very interesting take on Star Wars: The Last Jedi. According to him, it’s one of the best Star Wars films ever… Continue reading 2019-10-24 Newsletter Author’s Note

Thoughts on Minimum Viable Product

So I read an article on Draft2Digital’s blog about Minimum Viable Product and what it means for writers, and it got me to thinking about what that means for books in general, and my own books in particular. From what I’ve managed to gather (and I could be totally wrong), the controversy in the indie… Continue reading Thoughts on Minimum Viable Product

Thoughts on Star Wars: The Last Jedi

What a disappointment. I was going to avoid spoilers, but now that I’ve had some time to reflect, man oh man I’m just gonna vent about everything. Because there is so much wrong with this movie, and so many things that could have been awesome but instead turned into missed opportunities. So this post is… Continue reading Thoughts on Star Wars: The Last Jedi

On the way to 10k

631 words in 30 minutes, 1250 WPH. 2404 so far today. Taking a break to make dinner. #amwriting — Joe Vasicek (@onelowerlight) January 8, 2016 #amwriting through a rough spot. 216 words in 30 minutes, only 400 WPH. Hopefully next session is better. — Joe Vasicek (@onelowerlight) January 11, 2016 First session of the day:… Continue reading On the way to 10k

Playing with Tropes: Pragmatic Villainy

So as part of my effort to blog more often, I’ve decided to bring back the trope posts. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, perhaps you remember the Trope Tuesday series that I used to do. Those were mostly just a rehashing of each trope’s tvtropes page, with a bit of commentary at… Continue reading Playing with Tropes: Pragmatic Villainy