#GiveThanks Day Four

(45) I’m grateful for Jordan Peterson and his courage to speak the truth as he sees it, even in the face of incredible opposition. (46) I’m grateful for the “intellectual dark web” and how they show that there are still intelligent people who can discuss important issues with those with whom they disagree. (47) I’m… Continue reading #GiveThanks Day Four

Q is for Quark

If it takes a village to raise a child, does it take a group of like-minded creative souls to raise a writer? I don’t know, but in my case, having a writing community around me really helped.  That community was Quark, BYU’s Science Fiction & Fantasy club. I joined Quark my second semester of college. … Continue reading Q is for Quark

Wolfhound by Kindal Debenham

Jacob Hull may be just a spacer’s son, but he’s not afraid to dream big.  As an ensign in the Celostian Navy, his biggest dream is to pilot a destroyer like the Wolfhound, the brand new ship on which he receives his first assignment.  But when pirates attack on their training exercises and drive them… Continue reading Wolfhound by Kindal Debenham

Why I’m not a fan of writing groups

I was listening to a recent episode of I Should Be Writing today, and it got me thinking about writing groups and how my philosophy on them has changed.  Long story short, I used to love them, but now I’m not such a huge fan. I should probably start out by mentioning that I lead… Continue reading Why I’m not a fan of writing groups

BSH blog tour and other random updates

Just a few things to get out of the way before returning to other things: I’ve started the blog tour for Bringing Stella Home, and the first post was on my friend Kindal’s blog; you can find it here.  He asked me to blog about music and writing, so I shared some of my thoughts… Continue reading BSH blog tour and other random updates

News, a correction, and an awesome AvB remix

Today I was supposed to finish the second draft of Sholpan, but I moved apartments this weekend, so everything got thrown completely out of whack.  I’m all moved into my new place now (with some awesome Quarkie roommates), but Sholpan is going to have to wait until Monday. Fortunately, I’ve only got a couple of… Continue reading News, a correction, and an awesome AvB remix

Character DTRs and other such stuff

Just a quick post before I go to bed. The two main characters in WAFH just had a DTR (Define The Relationship discussion) and it was, well, kind of rough.  I don’t know what’s harder: having one in real life, or writing a fictional one that actually works. I also don’t know which one I… Continue reading Character DTRs and other such stuff

Deceptively unproductive day

Man, where did the day go?  I don’t feel like I was lazy, yet I only wrote about 1.2k words for the whole day.  And things were going so well the day before… Well, I guess I was busy, just with a whole lot of other things.  Donated plasma (which took all morning), got some… Continue reading Deceptively unproductive day

“The Class That Wouldn’t Die” is up!

Just a heads up: the latest issue of Mormon Artist magazine is out, and my article about BYU’s “class that wouldn’t die” is in it! What’s more, Orson Scott Card himself commented on it.  Squeeeee!!! If you’d like to read the full article, you can find it here.  Mormon Artist is published online for free,… Continue reading “The Class That Wouldn’t Die” is up!