Excited for a new old project

So a couple of weeks ago, I picked up the manuscript for a novel I’d written years ago, looking to see how much work it would take to salvage it. It’s a direct sequel to Bringing Stella Home, with James McCoy (again) as the main character. Long-time readers of this blog may remember it as… Continue reading Excited for a new old project

Word splurge and refining the query

So this morning, I worked on the fifth draft of Genesis Earth while Facebook chatting with some friends I made from World Fantasy.  Next thing I know, it’s 4:30 and I’ve revised through 6.5k words. To be fair, most of that work was pretty simple–polishing the prose, cutting unnecessary verbage, and the like.  But…wow.  Talk… Continue reading Word splurge and refining the query

New projects and other stuff

So I started the sequel to Mercenary Savior today; I figure I can take a couple months off to finish the rough draft, then leave it in the trunk until the first one sells. The working title of this one is Into the Nebulous Deep, which captures the main premise quite nicely (though let me… Continue reading New projects and other stuff

I’m still here!

Man, it’s been forever since I’ve posted something.  I’d blog more often, but I think you guys would get bored pretty quick if all I did was tell you how the writing went each day.  Don’t be fooled; the writing process isn’t NEARLY as interesting as the stuff we write (unless you’re writing amateur fanfic…just… Continue reading I’m still here!

Awesome writing group activity with Dan Wells

Went to an awesome Quark writing group activity tonight with Dan Wells. It was great. We critiqued stories, had a Q&A, and then played the Battlestar Galactica game. Good, good times. The new series of BSG is amazing.  It quite literally inspired my first novel: a story set in a universe where a cylon-style humans… Continue reading Awesome writing group activity with Dan Wells