Cooking adventures and an awesome webcomic

So I have a bunch of ideas for blog posts I’d like to write, and I’ll probably get around to them eventually, but I thought I’d drop a line now just to let you all know what I’ve been up to.  It’s been a pretty good week, with some decent progress on the current WIP… Continue reading Cooking adventures and an awesome webcomic

Slow, but still making progress

Sorry for neglecting the blog this week.  I took a temp job to earn some cash, and that’s been sucking up most of my time lately.  Fortunately, it should be over sometime next week. In the meantime, I found a place to live for the next few months.  I’m in the basement of an old… Continue reading Slow, but still making progress

Back in Utah…again!

So Sunday afternoon, I boarded a train with most of my earthly possessions (at least, all of the ones I care to enjoy for the next year) and headed out to Utah.  I arrived Tuesday night, without a car, a job, or a place to live, but things have been working out really well so… Continue reading Back in Utah…again!

A not-so-obligatory New Year’s resolution

First of all, happy New Years!  I hope you’re all looking forward to 2013 as much as I am.  Last year was full of awesome life-changing experiences, but I have a feeling that this one is going to be even better. So after chatting about resolutions with some old friends, I’ve decided that a good… Continue reading A not-so-obligatory New Year’s resolution

Story Notebook #6

Alright, it’s time to go through another story notebook.  This one covers the spring and summer of 2010, right after I graduated.  It was a weird transitional period in my life, when I didn’t really know what I was doing or where I was going, but I was determined to keep on writing anyway. I… Continue reading Story Notebook #6

What French Women Know About Love, Sex, and Other Matters of the Heart and Mind by Debra Olliver

I have a confession to make: when I was at my sister Kate’s for Christmas, I saw this book on her shelf and stole borrowed it without permission.  I finished it just yesterday, and at the risk of embarrassing myself, I’m going to review it as my second book of this year. This book presents… Continue reading What French Women Know About Love, Sex, and Other Matters of the Heart and Mind by Debra Olliver

Back from Texas, or My Last Day in Provo

So!  My Christmas vacation in Texas is over, and I’m on the road again, hanging out here in Utah before catching the train to my parents’ house in Massachusetts and (hopefully) going overseas before the end of the month. It was a great break!  Great to see my niece and three nephews together.  I swear,… Continue reading Back from Texas, or My Last Day in Provo

Decisions suck, writing is awesome

Whew!  I just finished revising through almost 9k words in Desert Stars.  I’ve only got three more chapters and an epilogue to go, and man, I am so excited about this story!  I have no doubt it’s my best work yet. Of course, I might be biased. 😉 Star Wanderers is also coming along very… Continue reading Decisions suck, writing is awesome

Let the job hunt begin!

All right, I just updated my resume to account for the last year or so, and I’m ready to start looking aggressively for work.  Given the state of the economy, I’m not optimistic that it will lead anywhere, but hey might as well give it a shot. The ideal job would be something part time… Continue reading Let the job hunt begin!

Conquering the mountain

So this last weekend, I decided to solo climb Y Mountain.  For those of you who don’t know, Y Mountain is one of the smaller mountains along the Wasatch range local to the Provo/Orem area.  It’s called Y Mountain because of the enormous letter “Y” painted on its side (yeah, that’s what they do to… Continue reading Conquering the mountain