Print vs. Ebook vs. Audiobook: When To Own

In last week’s post, I tried to make a comprehensive list of all the pros and cons associated with the various book formats. The purpose of that exercise was to figure out when to acquire a book in print, in audio, in ebook form, or some combination of all three. It’s long been my goal… Continue reading Print vs. Ebook vs. Audiobook: When To Own

Spring Shorts 2022 #4: The Freedom of Second Chances

I’m really happy with how this short story turned out. It pushes the edge in a lot of interesting ways, with the main character having to choose between duty and honor and doing what is right, and a forced abortion situation that puts the lie to the “women’s right to choose” insanity. It will probably… Continue reading Spring Shorts 2022 #4: The Freedom of Second Chances

Refining my short story strategy

I’ve blogged several times about my short story strategy. To restate it briefly, I’ve found that it works best to self-publish all of my short story singles for free, and to take them down when I have enough of them (+40k words, usually about 10 stories) to bundle into a collection. I earn more this… Continue reading Refining my short story strategy

Reading Resolution

My resolution last year was to read or DNF 100 books. I was doing pretty well on it through the summer, but then I stopped using Goodreads and lost count. (No particular reason, other than that I just fell out of using the site. It’s clunky and difficult to navigate, and after I started using… Continue reading Reading Resolution

NaNoWriMo 2021: Day Four

Words Written Today: 2,206 Children of the Starry Sea: 0 “In the Wake of Zedekiah Wight”: 2,206 Science Fiction from A to Z: 0 Total Words Written: 8,595 Total Words Remaining: 41,405 Total Words Ahead: 1,927 Really fun scene today in my short story “In the Wake of Zedekiah Wight,” which is quickly turning into… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2021: Day Four

NaNoWriMo 2021: Day One

Words Written Today: 2,022 Children of the Starry Sea: 1,010 “Lord of the Slaves” author’s note: 1,012 Total Words Written: 2,022 Total Words Remaining: 47,978 Total Words Ahead: 335 I was going to do the same thing with nanowrimo this year that I did last year, and turn out 50k words of short stories, but… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2021: Day One