Strangers in Flight — excerpt 9

The deadbolts retracted with a clang, and the hatchway creaked open on its old, squeaky hinges. Two men stepped through: one of the strong men, wearing the same black beetle-shell skin covering as before, and the doctor’s apprentice. The young man regarded her in silence for a moment, his cheeks reddening just as before. He knelt down by her side and spoke to her, holding out another fluid pack with a one-way straw.

There’s no way I can get out of here with both of them watching me, Reva thought, her mind racing. But if there were only one …

She glanced apprehensively at the strong man, who waited just inside the doorway. It took the apprentice a few seconds to get the hint, but when she ignored the fluid pack, he spoke to the strong man and waved him out of the chamber. The man hesitated a moment, but shrugged and stepped outside.

The apprentice smiled at her and nodded. He put a hand on her shoulder, his eyes wandering involuntarily to her breasts. Pervert, Reva thought. You’re all perverts in this place.

Fortunately, she could use that to her advantage.

She rose smoothly to her feet, her eyes meeting and holding the apprentice’s gaze. He stood up unsteadily, but before he could react, she slipped a hand around his waist and pressed her body close against his. If her captors could break all the rules, she’d show them that she could, too. She pressed the young man up against the wall and locked her lips against his in a wild and ferocious kiss. His body stiffened and he gasped a little through his nose, but he made no move to resist her and soon melted to putty into her embrace.

Just as he let out his breath, she snaked her arms around his neck and took the fabric of his skin covering in a vice-like grip. With the edge of her palm pressing up against his windpipe, she rotated her wrists and squeezed.


Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
Excerpt 4
Excerpt 5
Excerpt 6
Excerpt 7
Excerpt 8


Strangers in Flight

Strangers in Flight

$9.99eBook: $2.99

When Reva went into cryosleep, she wasn't prepared to be the sole survivor of a people that history never remembered. Isaac wants to help her, but he carries a secret that may decide the outcome of the war. Little does he know, the Imperials aren't the only ones hunting him.

More info →

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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