Strangers in Flight — excerpt 8

Meditation always helped Reva to calm herself and focus on the problem at hand. She sat cross-legged on the cold metal floor with her hands folded palm-up in her lap. By shutting out everything around her and focusing on her breath, she was able to fight back against the panic and find a place of peace in her mind to serve as an anchor. Time became fluid and mutative, but it didn’t seem like long before her mind was clear and the confusion was gone.

A wave of revulsion passed through her as she remembered how the man in white had touched her. Back home, such an obscene act would have been unthinkable. A whole host of taboos and social mores governed how people could and couldn’t touch each other in public, and in the space of just a few seconds, that man had violated almost all of them. But the thing that disturbed her most was the total lack of shame with which he’d done it. To him, she might as well have been a robot. He’d shown absolutely no regard for her as a human being, and that scared her most of all.

It was clear to her now that the people in the hallway hadn’t been staring at her tattoos, but at her uncovered body. It wasn’t normal in this culture to go bare, and that meant that these people had all sorts of perverse notions of what going bare actually meant. None of them had touched her, but all of them had wanted to. They had all groped her with their eyes. The realization sickened her almost as much as if they had touched her.

She had to escape—that was abundantly clear. But how?


Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
Excerpt 4
Excerpt 5
Excerpt 6
Excerpt 7


Strangers in Flight

Strangers in Flight

$9.99eBook: $2.99

When Reva went into cryosleep, she wasn't prepared to be the sole survivor of a people that history never remembered. Isaac wants to help her, but he carries a secret that may decide the outcome of the war. Little does he know, the Imperials aren't the only ones hunting him.

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By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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