6,400 out of 10,000 isn’t bad

Well…I came a little bit short of my outrageous goal to write 10,000 words this weekend.  But 6,400 isn’t bad.  I got past some really difficult parts in my novel and I can almost see the end from here (next time, I’ll have to do a better job outlining so I can see the end before I get past 100,000 words)…

Gamila and Jakeson threw a little writing party today at their house, and it went pretty well.  I realized, though, that it’s a lot easier to edit and rewrite when you’re with a group than it is to come up with new material…when you’re surrounded by friends, your surrounded by distractions as well.

But I did get past this one scene that was really bothering me.  It seemed pretty cool to me when I thought it up, but apparently I didn’t think it through enough because nothing I wrote seemed to be any good.  Even when I think back on it now, I just cringe.  It was painful to write it, but I had to do it to get past that part and move on.

Drek gave me some encouragement, which was nice.  He said “when the writing gets really difficult, you just have to sit down and write it out, because if you just put it off you’ll never get past it.” That seemed like pretty good advice, and I didn’t leave until I put the last period on it.  I will DEFINITELY revise that scene when I’m finished with the whole thing, but it’s good to have at least something to show for all that.

The stress was pretty bad, though.  Later, I was kind of rude to one of the girls here in the Arabic house…and I’m going to have to apologize for that.  I don’t even know how the argument came up, but I was a pretty big jerk.  I tend to put my foot in my mouth a lot, but at least I can recognize it and apologize when I do it really bad.

As far as school goes, I’ve got a really big presentation in Poli Sci 310 tomorrow, but once that’s out of the way things will be a lot easier in that class.  My mom also flew into town for a few days, so we’re going to hang out tomorrow.  She went wedding dress shopping with my sister today, and she’ll probably buy me a suit.

Job interview tomorrow.  It’ll probably be brief–it’s a stockroom delivery job.  If it works out well, though, I might try and see if I can work myself up…it’s in the BYU Bookstore, and if I can get experience working in a bookstore, I might be able to make connections that will help my writing career (or…whatever you call that thing between a hobby and a career).

And now that I’m through with my rambling brainfart, I’ll leave you with something that is guaranteed to kill at least 500 of your brain cells.  I really hope my novel doesn’t suck as bad as this video…though if it did, that might actually make it cool…in a very twisted way…

At least I’m not the world’s biggest washed-up sci fi writer!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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