Why books written by mothers are better than books written by childless women

I never know which posts of mine China Mike Glyer is going to pick up for his pixel scroll, or whatever he calls the daily bucket of chum that he feeds the folks over at File 770 (the ones who aren’t Chinese bots, anyway). I’ve written at much greater length about my 2022 reading resolution… Continue reading Why books written by mothers are better than books written by childless women

P is for Parenthood

I’m currently in the process of writing the second edition of my newsletter exclusive, Science Fiction from A to Z, adding a bunch of new chapters and rewriting all of the old ones. For a blog post this week, I thought I’d share one of the new chapters. Let me know what you think! I… Continue reading P is for Parenthood

NaNoWriMo 2021: Day One

Words Written Today: 2,022 Children of the Starry Sea: 1,010 “Lord of the Slaves” author’s note: 1,012 Total Words Written: 2,022 Total Words Remaining: 47,978 Total Words Ahead: 335 I was going to do the same thing with nanowrimo this year that I did last year, and turn out 50k words of short stories, but… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2021: Day One

Trope Tuesday: Future Primitive

From tvtropes: Evolution isn’t goal-directed. Sometimes …a species (often but not limited to humanity) will sometimes evolve into a more feral, less civilized, sometimes even non-sapient variety, regaining “primitive” characteristics. These “primitive” characteristics can include behaviors and/or physical traits… Most basic is the scenario common to Post-Apocalyptic settings After the End, where humanity (or another… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Future Primitive

Now I have the perfect ending

Guys, I just plotted out the last two books in the Genesis Earth trilogy, and it is going to have the most fantastic ending ever. I can’t tell you anything about it, since that would spoil everything, but it’s going to be amazing. Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad idea to wait ten years to… Continue reading Now I have the perfect ending

June Update

Greetings, humans! I am alive. I’m actually doing quite well right now. Lots of stuff going on behind the scenes, and it all seems to be coming together quite nicely. First, Victors in Liberty is now up for preorder, with a release date of July 22nd. This means that the Sons of the Starfarers series… Continue reading June Update

Late November Update

Is it time for another update? Why yes, I suppose it is. Sons of the Starfarers is coming along quite well. Book 6, Patriots in Retreat, is up for preorder right now with a release date of January 19th. My editor just got back with the edits for book 7, A Queen in Hiding. Haven’t… Continue reading Late November Update